Monday, July 19, 2010

Back in Ladakh ...

They say that Himalayas will always call you back and this is exactly what happened with me. after my last visit to J&K in Oct-2009 there was a intense feeling to visit it again and this feeling got intensified when I realized that I actually have some time which I can spend as I want and the first thing which came in my mind was Ladakh.

All I needed was an itinerary which is directly to Ladakh (unlike last visit where we spend few days in surrounding places) and plan some trekking and motorbiking trip and of course I needed some company. I asked Parth as we both were interested in returning back to Ladakh, I wasn't too hopeful when I wrote him knowing all the limited vacations he has and then came his pleasant reply.. he was ready and excited with the idea and was badly looking for a break from his routine life.. wooo hooo !!

we commonly agreed to do at-least following things:
-> 4-5 days trekking nearby Leh (which is anyway center for almost any activity in Ladakh).
-> Biking trip to world's highest road (Khardung La).
-> Visit to renowned Pangong Lake (either by bike or Taxi, depending on the circumstances)

beside this I had a secret desire to do Leh-Manali biking trip if I get some company and circumstances allows me to do so.

In total we needed around 11-12 days as the first two days are needed just for acclimatization (no joke!!) and some day-break is needed between these very high altitude activities as well.

Final plan was to fly from delhi on 2nd July 2010 early morning and reach Leh within hours..  and come back on 11th morning giving us 9 days (2-10).


  1. hey write fast next kya it fast....

  2. quiet an itinerary... will get inputs n tips from u when I plan my trip 2 Len / Ladakh ;)
